This will be rather short but sweet.
It is interesting to me all the little subcultures that develop in our society. As a kid I always got a kick out of the fact that other Jeep drivers (my dad had an '87 Wrangler) would honk (or perhaps it was a flash of the headlights or a wave, I forget) at my Dad as we drove by. My dad would return the gesture. Some sort of unspoken, "We drive Jeeps. We drive offroad. We are not being suffocated by collared shirts and ties," acknowledgment.
I see the same things with motorcycles. The motorcycle gesture is a little more low-key, but keep an eye out for it. They kind of point downwards, but a little bit out towards the other motorcycle. I have not yet determined if crotch rocket types are included in this ritual, or if it is strictly a bad-ass motorcycle thing. Perhaps there is a hierarchy in this subculture (as there should be). I shall report back.
What prompted this thought was a dude coming up to me just now and trying to bum a cigarette. Now, I have never smoked (anything) in my entire life. So I politely told the dude, "Sorry, bro. I don't smoke." So he asked the bartender and she politely gave him a cigarette.
Does this happen with ANY other marketplace good? I mean, I don't walk up to a dude in a bar and ask for a beer because I'm out of cash. I don't go to In N Out and say, "Hey, dude. Can I bum some french fries off you?"
Right? What is it about cigarettes, or perhaps more accurately...smokers, that makes them so generous. Unless it's their last cig, smokers always give someone a smoke. Now, I realize...they think, "I've been money left, or not in a place I can get a cigarette, and I badly need one right now." But why doesn't this work with other products? Is it the physical craving? When I'm hungry I don't NEED french fries (specifically) when I walk by In N Out. But if I was a smoker, nothing can satisfy my craving but a cigarette.
I just find it fascinating.
Post Script: It would be kinda cool, in some futuristic Gattaca-like world, if smokers had a little tally above their head, a +- number to notate how many more cigarettes that person has bummed off of someone else versus how many they have given away. That way, a smoker could know, "Hey, this dude is an asshole and obviously never buys his own cigarettes. He's a negative-1,315!!!" Or, conversely, "This guy is a +1853, I should give him a few to let him know I appreciate his contribution to our kind."
Just a thought.
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A few thoughts:
First, I think its the social aspect of smoking that makes it acceptable to 'bum a smoke'. You dont go to In N Out and strike up convo's with the people sitting next to you. Maybe you do, but its not commonplace. Step outside to have a smoke, and you can learn someone's life story in a span of 5 minutes. Along the same lines as why you'd buy a drink for someone at the bar you've been having a conversation with. Compound that with the 'ive been there before' thought, and it becomes quite a reasonable investment.
Also, on the topic of strange sub-cultures who give other members of the group some sort of 'tip of the cap' if you will - my buddy James, a redhead, will give a nod to other redheads, as if to say, 'i know your pain, brother'.
Does phil do that? because that'd be funny.
Also, i believe crotch rockets do the hey-buddy as well.
As do people with blogs.
Sup, Rowe.
sup lisa
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