The sister-in-law seems in good spirits. She didn't freak out when she handed the baby to me. She didn't seem stressed as I poked and prodded. She'll be a good mom. The Big Bro seems a little uneasy underneath. He's putting on a smiling facade, but I can tell he's uneasy. He has two good role-models, though, and I'm sure he'll be fine.
When we first found out the baby was a girl, I was a tad disappointed. I really wanted a nephew that I could teach how to throw a spiral and shoot a jumper, and block his shot every time he tried to score on me.
But she's pretty much perfect and now I could not care less. Besides, I realized when I was holding her, there's not a whole heck of a lot you can do with a baby, as an uncle, for a few years. Especially now. She just kinda lays there. In a cute way.

girls rule. boys drule.
drule, huh?
yeah. deal.
i thought about saying something also...thought it might be some new hip LA slang that i didnt know about.
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